Did You Know…

… that PartsWatch automatically finalizes and prints invoices for sourced items when the POs for those sourced items are received?

To enable this feature in PW Version 58, the AUTO-FINALIZED SRCD RCVD CHARGE INVOICES checkbox on the SYSTEM INVOICE OPTIONS screen, in the Invoice Options section, must be checked. To enable this feature in PW Version 57, the checkbox can be found in the Invoice Options section of the SYSTEM GENERAL SETUP screen.

Access the SYSTEM INVOICE OPTIONS screen from Menu, Controls, System, Invoice Options. Acess the SYSTEM GENERAL SETUP screen from Menu, Controls, System, General Setup.

Barring any conditions preventing the finalizing of the invoice, when the full quantity of a sourced invoice is received, and the purchase order is transferred into stock, the invoice is printed to the invoice printer.

To learn more, watch the video below or click here.